Fike 美国菲科---欣佰特压力控制解决方案

信息来源 | 发布日期:2014-5-17 | 点击数:4953次

For over 65 years Fike has been the leader in pressure relief solutions and rupture/bursting disc innovation. Fike products are compliant with wide a variety of code regulations around the globe and are designed to meet or exceed industry requirements for performance, reliability and quality. From safeguarding your critical manufacturing processes to protecting your pressure relief valves (PRVs), Fike products are part of the critical path to lowering your costs and helping you achieve higher profitability.

在工业场合如压力容器和压力管道中,压力过大能引起各种灾难性的后果—-人员受伤, 设备损坏,商务中断和企业停工等。 

Fike 为此风险提供了一种经济的解决方案—爆破片。作为爆破片, 爆破板和爆破隔离阀等领域中的专家,Fike 在卸压系统方面有超过 60 年的经验。Fike 有特定的爆破片产品以适用于不同的场合, 为客户提供最有效的安全保护。

Fike 的卸压产品系列主要包括:爆破片, 爆破片夹持器,注塑机防爆片组件, 爆破片附件,顾客定制产品等等。

Fike has a number of pressure relief devices that have made significant improvements to drilling, completion and production operations -- and are now standard in the oilfield industry. But most oilfield applications are unique, and Fike engineers work closely with customers to design the precise rupture disc device for specific needs. Fike rupture discs used for pressure relief and activation, help provide efficient, reliable operation of downhole devices, offshore oil drilling equipment and other oil and gas application.

在油气田应用中, Fike 拥有一系列压力泄放和压力活化工具,可以是使钻井、完井和生产作业的安全性、精确性和稳定性取得显著改善。 

Fike 油气田工具现在已经是油田工业的标准, 有助于为井下设备,海上石油钻井设备和其他石油和天然气的应用提供可靠运行。但大多数油田的应用是独一无二的,欣佰特会配合Fike和国际工程师与客户紧密合作,为特定的需要提供精确可靠的压力控制工具。